Louise Gade
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I am here to take part in co-creating a more beautiful and loving world where we all feel alive, vibrant and connected. With open and loving voices and hearts, smile and laughter, creativity, curiosity and deep conversation to open our minds to new perspectives and wisdom. Were we play and express our true selves freely with kind intention and responsibility. Were we experience deep, conscious, and fulfilling connections. Were we create something of value as we make loving choices for ourselves and other people and the planet we all live on.

Taking nothing or no one for granted, yet not taking anyone or anything too serious.

My way is through movement, sound and expanded awareness. I weave with intuition and creativity as my guide, to support you in reconnecting with who you truly are so you can release anything that no longer serves you and recreate what feels authentic to you within areas as vocal and creative expression, relations and wellbeing.

The tools are the body, voice, creative modalities, nature, sound healing, play, breath, meditation, psychology and energy work.

I offer individual sessions and journeys, as well as workshops and longer courses and an inspirational talk on the importance of self-expression.

Everything I do is grounded in the importance of self-expression within relations and creatively. Based in everything I have learnt through educations and courses as well as lessons from my own life journey.

I will be honored to guide and support you in your journey.

Love, Louise


Imagine a world where we all felt safe to express who we truely are in all our relations. A world wHere we all had the ability to hold space for each other with precense and compassion. A world where everyone felt free to express themselves creativEly. A world where all emotions where honored and supported. A world where we all felt seen, heard and valued.

Can you imagine that?


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